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The Findoc database

List of fields

Field name        Remark
----------        ------

BIBLEVEL          01900 a Bibliographic level
ENTRY             09700 a Date of entry
TITLE             24510 a Title
REF55800          55800 a Reference to generic unit (monograph) - title
AUTHOR            10010 a Personal author - surname, 10010 h Personal author - first name
EDITION           25000 a Edition
PLAPUB            26000 a Place of publication
PUBLISHER         26000 b Publisher
DISTRIBUTOR       26000 g Distributor
PAGES30000        30000 a Pages
VOL44010          44010 v Volume
STATINF           09500 a Statistical information
BIBL              09500 b Bibliographies
LANG              04100 a Language
ISBN              02100 a ISBN number
DOCSYM            01600 a Document symbol
INDEXE            63000 a Index (in English)
INDEXS            63000 a Index (in Swedish)
INDEXF            63000 a Index (in Finnish)
FREET             50000 a Free text
SERIES            44010 a Series title
SERSTART          58000 a Series started
SERCEAS           740 Series ceased
ISSN              02200 a ISSN number
GEOTERM           63300 a Geographical terms
GEOCODE           63300 b Geographical codes
LIBRARY           955 Library location code (ĆAB)
PUBDATE           26000 c Date of publication
NOTE53000         53000 a Note (general)
SHELF             Shelf Code
PIL               Public International Law
CORPAUTHOR        11010 a Corporate author
LOCALINDEX        63000 b Local index
TIMEPERIOD        63700 a Time period
LGTERM            823 Local geographical terms
NOTE50600         50600 a Note (thesis)
SUBTITLE          24510 b Subtitle
PARTITLE          24510 k Parallel title
COAUTHOR          70010 a Personal co-author - surname, 70010 h Personal co-author - first name
COCORPAUTHOR      71010 a Co-corporate author
REF55700          55700 a Reference to generic unit (periodica) - title
VOL55700          55700 v Volume
STAT55800         55800 e Statement of responsibility
PAGES55800        55800 g Pages
PUBL55800         55800 j Publication
ADDRESS           26000 f Address
TELE              26000 y Telecommunications
ILLUSTRATIONS     30000 b Illustrations
APPENDICES        30000 d Appendices
NOTE61100         61100 a Note (meetings)
FREQ              55400 a Frequence
URL               URL
