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The Manusam database

The Manusam database comprises the collections of the Manuscript Collections at Åbo Akademi University Library. Manusam contains 1,500 records today, and it is updated regularly.

Manusam provides information about the donors of manuscripts - their professions, fields of activities, years of birth and death, as well as about their archives - subject areas represented, contents, size and period of time covered.

Manusam also includes index words.

Via Manusam you can find out whether there are more detailed registers of the contents. Such indexes most often concern letters - writers as well as receivers.

Some of the material is subject to restrictions as to usage and publication. Manusam informs you about this.

Further information about how to use Manusam is provided in Swedish only. Most of the material is in Swedish, and some knowledge of the language is required to use it. Also the search form is in Swedish.

18.05.2010 Handskriftssamlingarna vid Åbo Akademis bibliotek